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2017년 9월 법무법인(유) 광장에 신설된 『광장 국제통상연구원』초대 원장으로 부임해 국제통상 동향 및 사례 분석, 기업의 해외진출 및 투자 지원, 외국인기업 자문, 국제통상관련 교육 등을 맡아 일하고 있습니다.
1983 |
위스콘신대학교 경제학 박사 |
1981 |
위스콘신대학교 경제학 석사 |
1975 |
서울대학교 경제학 학사 |
2017-현재 |
법무법인(유) 광장(Lee & Ko) |
2017-현재 |
서울대학교 명예교수 |
2013-2014 |
국제경제통상대사 |
2011-2013 |
외교통상부 통상교섭본부장 |
2007-2010 |
무역위원회 위원장 |
2006-2010 |
서울대학교 국제대학원 원장 |
2004 |
스탠포드 대학 및 세계은행 방문학자 |
1998 |
국제통화기금 방문학자 |
1997-2017 |
서울대학교 국제대학원 교수 |
1994-1997 |
대외경제정책연구원 부원장 |
1993-1994 |
대통령비서실 파견 경제학자 |
1989-1993 |
대외경제정책연구원 연구위원 |
1983-1987 |
한국개발연구원 연구위원 |
1983-1987 |
조지타운대학교 경제학과 조교수 |
- 한중일 FTA 및 RCEP 협상 출범 (2012)
- 『국제통상론』(강인수 외 공저, 서울: 박영사, 1998)
- 『국제경제학 원론』(강인수 외 공저, 서울: 박영사, 2002)
- 『한국경제의 이해』(강인수 외 공저, 서울: 교보문고, 2005)
- 'A Framework for Trade Policy for Bhutan Compatible with the Gross National Happiness,' (with Inkyo Cheong and Hoe Yun Jeong), ADBSouthAsiaWorkingPaperSeries, NO. 39, ADB, September 2015.
- 'The Relationship between Trade and Economic Growth and a Slowdown of Exports in Korea,' in B. Hoekman ed., The Global Trade Slowdown: A New Normal, A VoxEu.org eBook, June 2015, pp. 199-206.
- 'Potential Impact of TTIP: A Korean View,' in M. S. Akman, S. J. Evenett and P. Low eds., Catalyst? TTIP's Impact on the Rest, A VoxEu.org eBook , April 2015, pp. 97-102.
- 'Three Years of the Implementation of the KORUS FTA: A Korean View,' KEI Blog, March 2015.
- 'Korea-China FTA: Major Contents and Implications,' SFIA Viewpoint, Seoul Forum for International Affairs, January 2015.
- 'Koreas Trade Relations and its FTA Policies,' manuscript, May 2014.
- 'Two Rabbits of International Trade,' Project Syndicate, February 2013.
- 'Trade Promotion in East Asia: Issues and Emerging Trends,' in G. S. Cheema, C. A. McNally and V. Popovski eds., Cross-Border Governance in Asia, in UN University Press, April 2011, pp. 169-218.
- 'The G20: from Seoul to Paris and Beyond,' with Y. Rhee, Journal of International Trade and Industry Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 1-42, 2011.
- “Asia's Strategic Participation in the Group of 20 for Global Economic Governance Reform: From the Perspective of International Trade,” SCHWEIZERISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUER INTERNATIONALE WIRTSCHAFTBEZIEHUNGEN, AUSSEN-WIRTSCHAFT, March 2011, pp. 33-58.
- “Evaluation of Korea-US FTA Negotiations Results and Their Economic Impacts,” International Trade and Business Institute, ITBI Review, 2007. (in Korean)
- “Services Trade Liberalization in East Asia: Focusing on Telecommunications Services, ”Journal of International Trade and Industry Studies, Vol. XI, No. 3, December 2006.
- “Political Economy of Korea-Japan Free Trade Agreement: A Korean Perspective,”(with Chong Sup Kim), in C. Y. Ahn, I. Cheong, Y. Fukagawa and T. Ito eds., Korea-Japan FTA:Towards a Model Case for East Asian Economic Integration, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, February 2005.
- “Globalization of Technologies through Foreign Direct Investment: Competitiveness Impact and Policy Implications,”(with Hwy-Chang Moon), Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, January-February 2002.
- “Asian Economic Crisis, Foreign Direct Investment and Stabilized Economic Growth: Crisis Revisited and Implications for APEC Member Economies,”(with Hwy-Chang Moon), Journal of International Business and Economy, Fall 2001.
- “Investment Environment after the Financial Crisis in the Asia-Pacific Region,”(with Hwy-Chang Moon), APEC Study Series 00-04, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, December 2000.
- “New World Economic Order and Future Tasks of the WTO,”International and Area Studies, No. 7, Vol. 2, GIAS, Seoul National University, July 1998. (in Korean)
- “Korean-U.S. Economic Relations under the New Global Order,” with Il SaKong in Claud E. Barfielded., The United States and East Asia: Trade and Investment Expansion, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C., 1997, pp. 117-144.
- “Cooperation between the U.S. and Korea in the Asia-Pacific,” with Jang-Hee Yoo in C. Fred Bergsten and Il SaKong eds., Korea-United States in the New World Order, Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C. and Institute for Global Economics, Seoul, February 1996, pp. 93-105.
- “The Korean Consumer Electronic Industry: Reaction to Antidumping Actions,” in J. Michael Finger ed., Antidumping: How It Works and Who Gets Hurt, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 1993, pp. 121-135.
- “Efficiency and Export Earnings Implication of Two-Tier Quota Allocation Rules,” with Jaime de Melo, International Economic Journal, Vol. 3, No. 3, Autumn 1989, pp. 31-42.
- “Macro Shocks and Industrial Portfolio Responses: An Econometric Model for LDCs,” with James Tybout, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1988, pp. 559-568.
- “Export Quota Allocations, Export Earnings and Market Diversification,” with Jaime de Melo, The World Bank Economic Review, 1988, pp. 341-348.
- “Export Mix Adjustment to Imposition of VERs: Alternative License Allocation Schemes,” with Jaime de Melo, Weltwirtschaftliches Arichiv, 1987, pp. 668-678.
- “Distortions and Intertemporal Welfare in a Small Open Economy,” Journal of International Economics, 1987, pp. 151-165.