崔佑榮Financial Compliance
2011-Present | 韩国广场律师事务所(Lee&Ko) |
2018-Present | 大韩律师协会IT区块链特别委员会委员 |
2018-Present | 韩国国会区块链民官协同立法协商组织法律咨询委员 |
2017 | 日本西村朝日法律事务所 |
2016 | 日本早稻田大学大学院访问研究员 |
2008-2011 | 公益法务官 |
?文, 英文, 日文 |
2024 | Legal Times, IP Leading Lawyer |
2023 | Hankyung Business, Best Lawyer of the Year in Finance2022 The Law Times, Top IP Lawyer |
[SBS Biz] Ten Days After the Implementation of Virtual Asset Act: ‘Unexplained Surges’ in Coin Prices Disappear 2024.07.29研讨会/活动
Seminar on ‘the Implementation of the Virtual Asset User Protection Act and the Introduction of Spot ETFs for Virtual Assets: Challenges and Future Prospects’ 2024.07.18最新案例
Advisory Services on Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) Registration 2024.06.04媒体报道
[Hankyung Business] 2023 Best Law Firms & Lawyers in Korea 2023.12.18媒体报道
[Financial News] Lee & Ko strengthens and reorganizes ‘Virtual Assets Investigation Response Team’ [Recent Developments] 2023.07.26媒体报道
[Seoul Economic Daily] [Law Firm New Business] “Providing Solutions to Intellectual Property Rights and Responsibilities in Virtual World” 2022.07.27媒体报道
【朝鲜日报】互联网金融·NFT等数字金融领域专门法律服务翘楚 2022.05.16最新案例
Advisory on the acquisition of KRW 100 Billion Convertible Bonds by Musiccow, Inc. 2022.03.31人事变动
Lee & Ko Opens PanGyo Office 2022.02.14媒体报道
【韩国经济】只要禁止韩国人访问,游戏用NFT就能合法?不一定!——崔佑荣律师 2022.02.10