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[Korea Economic Daily] The Biggest Haul: Lee & Ko Breaks Past KRW 400 Billion in Annual Revenue with KRW 6 Trillion Deal
On January 30, 2025, the Korea Economic Daily issued a featured article on Lee & Ko’s outstanding performance in 2024, noting, “Lee & Ko achieved KRW 411.1 billion in revenue last year, marking a 10.4% year-on-year increase, and became the first-ever law firm, aside from the established market leader Kim & Chang, to surpass KRW 400 billion in annual revenue.” The article also highlighted, “Lee & Ko effectively led corporate restructuring transactions, such as the KRW 6.45 trillion merger between SK Innovation and SK E&S, and obtained consecutive acquittals in the embezzlement case of SPC Group Chairman Young In Hur and the antitrust violation case involving former Hanssem Chairman Yang Ha Choi.”
[Invest Chosun] Four Major Law Firms Vying for Market Dominance in 2024, “2025 Set to Be the Year of the Ultimate Duel”
On January 24, 2025, Invest Chosun issued a featured article on Lee & Ko’s outstanding performance in 2024, noting, “Lee & Ko earned the title of the first Korean law firm to exceed the KRW 400 billion threshold in annual revenue, outpacing Bae, Kim & Lee in terms of value-added tax declared amount for four consecutive years. In addition to Lee & Ko IP's annual revenue of KRW 16.8 billion last year, the firm generated a total of KRW 427.9 billion in revenue.” It also highlighted that “Lee & Ko undertook SK Group’s restructuring efforts and provided corporate advisory services to facilitate a merger between CJ ENM’s Tving and Wavve. In criminal defense, the firm successfully obtained acquittals in the embezzlement case of SPC Group Chairman Young In Hur and the antitrust violation case involving former Hanssem Chairman Yang Ha Choi, credited to the expertise of both former judge Chang Ho Seong and Da Joo Jung.”
[Korea Economic Daily] Rebounding Amidst Recession: Korea’s Top Five Law Firms See 12.1% Revenue Surge in Higher Growth Trajectory
On January 24, 2025, the Korea Economic Daily reported Lee & Ko to be the first Korean law firm to surpass KRW 400 billion in revenue, highlighting, “Lee & Ko achieved KRW 411.1 billion in revenue last year, marking a 10.4% growth rate with a robust recovery. It is noteworthy that the firm became the first-ever law firm in Korea to surpass the KRW 400 billion mark and showcased its exceptional performance in mergers and acquisitions as well as criminal defense. In particular, its seasoned attorneys effectively led corporate restructuring transactions in the KRW 6.45 trillion merger between SK Innovation and SK E&S and obtained acquittals consecutively in the embezzlement case of SPC Group Chairman Young In Hur and the antitrust violation case involving former Hanssem Chairman Yang Ha Choi.
[Korea Economic Daily] “Without knowledge of collusion, there may be liability for damages…” Risk of Shareholder Derivative Lawsuits by National Pension Service [Lee & Ko’s Antitrust & Competition Practice Group]
On January 22, 2025, an article by Lee & Ko partner Byong Ki Chung was published in the Korean Economic Daily. In Mr. Chung’s article titled “Without knowledge of collusion, there may liability for damages…Will the National Pension Service file shareholder derivative lawsuit”, he explained that, “There is a surge in shareholder derivative lawsuits against companies issued administrative fines by the Korea Fair Trade Commission for collusion; and companies should be on high alert, especially considering the court decision recognizing that even without direct knowledge of collusion, CEOs may be liable for damages.” He added, “Although the National Pension Service has yet to file a shareholder derivative lawsuit related to collusion, this could change with a shift in politics or a shareholder protectionist movement, thus making it prudent for companies to exercise caution. As the basis for holding CEOs liable has strengthened significantly, it is of the utmost importance to establish an effective compliance monitoring system beyond that of formal systems of internal controls.” 
[Legal Times] Lee & Ko Posts Record-Breaking Revenue, Topping KRW 400 Billion
On January 20, 2025, the Legal Times published a featured article on Lee & Ko’s stellar performance and achievements in 2024, noting, “Lee & Ko unveiled an estimate of KRW 411.1 billion in revenue for 2024, surpassing the KRW 400 billion threshold for the first time since its establishment in 1977. According to the firm, this recording-setting growth, a 10% year-on-year increase from KRW 372.3 billion, is majorly driven by the strong rebound of its M&A advisory services in the second half of the year and the outstanding performance of the Criminal Defense (Litigation) Team in handling high-profile criminal cases involving major entrepreneurs and others.” The article also underscored that, “Amid the downturn in the M&A market, Lee & Ko’s seasoned M&A Team spurred revenue growth by playing an active role in corporate restructuring transactions, namely the KRW 6.45 trillion merger between SK Innovation and SK E&S and Air Incheon’s acquisition of cargo planes from Asiana Airlines. Alongside these accomplishments, the firm is beginning to see tangible outcomes from a three-year-long, proactive strategic effort spearheaded by Managing Partner Sang Gon Kim, which centers on reinforcing specialized teams, such as revamping and expanding its conventional Financial Compliance Team, introducing new teams dedicated to security token offerings, aerospace, and platform compliance, and launching the International Dispute Resolution Group.”
[JoongAng Ilbo] "Nuclear Bomb Precedent" Shaking Corporate HR Teams… No Solution in Sight for Ordinary Wages
On January 15, 2025, JoongAng Ilbo reported comments from Lee & Ko attorney Mr. Young-jin Kim of Lee & Ko, regarding the Supreme Court en banc decision on ordinary wages. Mr. Kim stated, "From the corporate perspective, the inclusion of bonuses in ordinary wages has suddenly increased total wage payments this year, making this year’s wage negotiations a pressing issue. Companies may need to negotiate measures such as reducing overtime to cut labor costs or increasing the proportion of performance-based pay, which is excluded from ordinary wages."
[Law Times] Lee & Ko Coordinates Volunteer Event at the Love Bread Sharing Center

On January 14, 2025, the Law Times featured Lee & Ko’s heartwarming participation in bread making program at the Love Bread Sharing Center. In this event, nearly 30 employees and their family members came together to knead and bake bread for around three hours starting at 1:30 p.m. and delivered these freshly baked loaves to undernourished neighbors in partnership with the Korean Red Cross. Since 2019, Lee & Ko’s Pro Bono Committee has remained committed to this annual volunteer activity at the Love Bread Sharing Center with a spirit of “fostering an uplifting culture of social engagement through volunteer programs that are easy to join and open to everyone.”
[Edaily] Lee & Ko Aims to Open a Breakthrough with “Global & AI”, Recording the Highest Performance amid Recession
On January 2, 2025, Edaily reported an interview with Sang-Gon Kim, Lee & Ko’s managing partner. In his interview, Mr. Kim stated that Lee & Ko ”achieved meaningful results in the recession through ‘homogenization’ of the firm’s entire expertise, such as advice and litigation” and that it aims to “become an open law firm that can keep up with market changes under the perception that ‘Lee & Ko is always present’ where there is a client demand”. 
[The Korea Economic Daily] Lee & Ko is the First Law Firm to Surpass 400 Billion Won in Annual Sales
On January 1, 2025, the Korea Economic Daily reported Lee & Ko’s 2024 performance in detail. The Korea Economic Daily reported that “Lee & Ko surpassed 400 billion Won in annual sales for the first time as a domestic law firm” and that its sales “recorded a 10% year-on-year increase on the strength of restructuring of conglomerates and acceptance of major criminal cases amid concerns over a slowdown in the growth of the law firm industry”. Furthermore, the Korea Economic Daily stated that “Lee & Ko defended its performance through advice on restructuring of conglomerates even though the M&A market experienced a general downturn last year”, and that “the firm not only achieved remarkable results in the field of criminal litigation, but also successfully concluded criminal cases involving major entrepreneurs, including former Hanssem chairman Yang-Ha Choi’s violation of the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act and SPC Group’s chairman Young-In Hur’s case of malpractice”. 
[Safety News] Discussion Forum on Enhancing the Process Safety Management System in the Chemical Industry Held
On December 31, 2024, Safety News reported on the participation of Injae SHIN, Senior Advisor at Lee & Ko, in the Discussion Forum on Enhancing the Process Safety Management (PSM) System in the Chemical Industry.

The forum, jointly organized by The Korean Society of Safety and the Korea Enterprises Federation, highlighted key issues surrounding industrial safety practices in the chemical sector. During the forum, Senior Advisor Injae SHIN pointed out that current efforts to prevent major industrial accidents in the chemical industry have largely been led by the government or governmental agencies, with limited roles played by private organizations such as regional PSM councils.

He emphasized the necessity of establishing a private governance framework to enhance communication between the government and workplaces and to strengthen autonomous PSM activities by chemical companies in line with the government's paradigm shift towards a self-regulatory prevention system.
[News Tomato] [IB Tomato](IB & People) Attorney Kyung Gyoon Park of Lee & Ko
December 30, 2024
An interview with Attorney Kyung Gyoon Park of Lee & Ko was published on News Tomato. Kyung Gyoon Park, who has been active in the field of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) for 12 years, stated, "It is important to create substantial value through M&A work, going beyond simply providing legal services. The key to M&A advisory service is not simply about winning or losing, but about fostering a negotiating environment where all parties can achieve a win-win outcome." He also mentioned, "My aim is to fully understand the client's needs and offer the most optimal solution."
[The Bell] [Spotlight on Law Firm Leadership] Lee & Ko Accelerates the "Sang Gon Kim 2.0 Era" with Renewed Momentum
On December 19, 2024, The Bell reported on the leadership strategies of Lee & Ko. The article highlighted the ongoing leadership of Managing Partner Sang Gon Kim, noting, “Over the past two years, Mr. Kim has not only maintained the firm's capabilities in M&A and financial investment advisory, but also significantly bolstered the expertise of the litigation and regulatory response teams, achieving an overall improvement in service quality. He also established specialized teams, such as the STO and Aerospace teams, to address new market demands and drive organizational growth.” The article further stated, "Two years ago, Managing Partner Kim rolled out a ‘rebalancing’ strategy in a bid to drive the firm’s growth, substantially reinforcing its litigation team by bringing in numerous former judges last year." It added, "With improved capabilities across practice areas driving revenue growth, Mr. Kim's rebalancing strategy is considered to have been largely successful."