Yangseok JEONCriminal Defense (Investigations)
2009 | Fordham University School of Law, New York, NY - LL.M. |
2001 | Judicial Research & Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea |
1999 | Seoul National University, College of Law - LL.B. |
2020-Present | Lee & Ko |
2020 | Senior Prosecutor, Human Rights & Financial Crimes Department of the Daejeon District Prosecutor’s Office |
2019-2020 | Senior Prosecutor, Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office |
2018-2019 | Senior Prosecutor, Supreme Prosecutors’ Office |
2017-2018 | Senior Prosecutor, Finance & Corporate Crime Department of the Suwon District Prosecutor’s Office |
2016-2017 | Head, Yeongdong Branch Office of Cheongju District Prosecutors’ Office |
2015-2016 | Prosecutor, Policy Planning Team, Ministry of Justice |
2013 | Administrator, Senior Secretary Office to the President for Civil Affairs, Office of the President |
2011 | Prosecutor, Prosecution Department, Prosecution System Improvement Team of Ministry of Justice |
2010 | Prosecutor, Korea Immigration Service of Ministry of Justice |
2008-2010 | Prosecutor, Dongbu branch of Busan District Prosecutor’s Office |
2006-2008 | Prosecutor, Gangneung branch of Chuncheon District Prosecutor’s Office |
2004-2006 | Prosecutor, Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office |
2001-2004 | Military Judicial Officer |
Korean and English |