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Recently reviewed Professionals
As a member of the IP Practice Group, Ilkwon Kim's practice and areas of special expertise include, among other things, patents, Healthcare, trademarks, copyright, Database right and Entertainments.
Representative Cases
Major pharmaceutical companies in Litigation and advice on Listing, Pricing and Reassessments matter in Korean Health Insurance System
Major Healthcare company in Healthcare related litigations - humidifier disinfectant case, Covid-19 diagnosis kit case
Multinational biotech company in filing import approval and risk assessment of LMO (GMO)
Multinational biotech company in listing a material s for medical treatment on national health insurance
Major pharmaceutical company in a suit related to botulinum toxin
Multinational pharmaceutical company in a patent injunction/invalidation/infringement suit related to thrombosis
Multinational pharmaceutical company in a patent injunction/invalidation/infringement suit related to anti-HIV medicine.
Major pharmaceutical company in a patent injunction/invalidation/infringement suit related to ovarian cancer.
Multinational pharmaceutical company in a patent /invalidation/infringement suit related to biological product
Major pharmaceutical company in a patent /invalidation/infringement suit related to pneumococcosis vaccine
Major pharmaceutical company in patents infringement/invalidation suit related to consumable for semiconductor manufacture
Major IT company in a suit related to invalidated patent
Major company in suit related to protein drug
Major company in patents infringement suit related to polyamide film
Major pharmaceutical company in peptide patent invalidation suit related to health functional food
Major company in a trademark infringement suit related to cosmetic
Well known artist in a trademark infringement suit related to famous festival
Major broadcasting company in copyright infringement suit against movie producer
Domestic music distributor in dispute against collective management organizations
Major public institution in copyright infringement suit related to Chinese study book
Public organization in copyright infringement suit related to copyright of academic articles
Major job posting company in database right and copyright infringement suit related to crawling
Major broadcasting company in copyright suit against drama producer
Entertainment company in dispute against well-known singer related to exclusive management agreement
Well known stage artist in copyright infringement suit related to music video
Scenario writer in dispute against movie producer
2024 Duke University School of Law - LL.M.
2017 Korea University Law School - J.D.
2010 Seoul National University - The Integrated M.A./Ph.D. Course ABD in Life Science
2007 Seoul National University - B.S. in Life Science
Work Experience
2017-Present Lee & Ko
2010-2013 CBRN officer in Republic of Korea Airforce
2017 Admitted to bar, Korea
2019 Admitted to the Korean patent bar
Korean and English
Publications / Presentations / ETC
'A Study on Improvement of the Defense System against Biological Weapons in Korea's Armed forces'. Joint CBRN Technical Information(2011)
'Molecular Mechanisms of MHC Class I-antigen Processing: Redox Considerations.' Kim Y, Kang K, Kim I, Lee YJ, Oh C, Ryoo J, Jeong E, Ahn K. Antioxid Redox Signal (2009)
'Interaction of PDI with MHC Class I Peptide Loading Complex' International Redox Network (2007)
Nude Textbook on Common Science. (Etoos. 2003)