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As a member of the Lee & Ko's Intellectual Property Practice Group, Kyeseong BAEK's areas of special expertise include disputes relating to patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights, employee inventions, trade secrets prohibition of competitive transaction, and IP licensing, SI(System Integration), national core technologiesnational high-tech strategic technologies.
2022 |
Yonsei University Law School – J.D. |
2015 |
Yonsei University – B.S. in Mechanical Engineering |
Work Experience
2022-Present |
Lee & Ko |
2018-2019 |
Bae, Kim & Lee IP |
2017-2018 |
PAX Patent & Law Firm |
2015-2015 |
SK E&S |
IP Litigation |
Trade Secret · Company Information Protection |
Trademark · Design |
Copyright · Computer program |
Responding to Unfair Competition |
Game · Sports · Entertainment |
IP Transactions & Licensing |
Mechanical |
Admitted to bar, Korea(2022) |
Admitted to the Korean patent bar(2017) |
Representative Cases
[Patent infringement · invalid]
- Represented a domestic medical device company in patent infringement litigation and invalidation trial
- Conducted patent infringement litigation and invalidation trial between domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (Company C and Company D)
- Counseled a Japanese company on matters related to patent rights
- Counseled a major domestic broadcaster on matters related to patent rights
- Counseled a domestic company on matters related to patent avoidance design
- Represented a domestic construction equipment company in a patent invalidation lawsuit
[Trade secrets · Prohibition of competitive transaction]
- Represented a global battery company in a lawsuit for the prohibition of competitive transaction
- Represented a CEO of a major coffee franchise company in Korea in a lawsuit for the prohibition of competitive transaction
- Counseled a domestic secondary battery company on infringement of trade secrets and prohibition of competitive transaction
- Counseled a domestic shipbuilding company on infringement of trade secrets
- Counseled a domestic oil refining company on the infringement of trade secrets
- Conducted lawsuit for prohibition of infringement of trade secrets and prohibition of competitive transaction between domestic small and medium-sized enterprises
- Defensed criminal charges related to trade secret disputes between the individual and the company in the semiconductor sector (investigation stage)
- Represented a domestic defense company(Victim) in a criminal case of infringement of trade secrets (court stage)
[National core technologies(NCT) · National high-tech strategic technologies(NAST)]
- Represented a domestic semiconductor equipment company for applying for determination of NCT · NAST
- Represented a domestic secondary-battery company for applying for NCT · NAST M&A deal approval
- Represented a domestic automobile company for applying for NCT export approval
- Counseled a Japanese company on matters related to NCT
- Counseled a Japanese company on matters related to NCT
- Counseled a domestic semiconductor company on matters related to NCT
[SI(System Integration)]
- Represented major domestic SI companies in a lawsuit for claiming construction costs, etc.
- Represented a domestic clothing company in a lawsuit for termination of a contract and return of payment
- Counseled a major domestic logistics company on termination of contracts and return of payments
- Counseled a global OTT company on matters related to production of contents(drama, etc.)
- Counseled a major domestic entertainment companies on matters related to copyright and trademark rights
- Represented a domestic entertainment company in a lawsuit for confirming the effectiveness of exclusive contracts
- Counseled a domestic entertainment company on matters related to leading/supporting actors' contracts for drama appearances
[General IP disputes · counseling]
- Counseled a major overseas semiconductor company on matters related to copyright
- Counseled a major domestic aviation company on matters related to copyright
- Represented a major domestic portal-site company in a lawsuit for copyright infringement, etc.
- Represented a domestic company in a lawsuit for compensation for damages under UNFAIR COMPETITION PREVENTION AND TRADE SECRET PROTECTION ACT(UCPA)
- Represented a major logistics company in a lawsuit for prohibiting of stealing ideas under UCPA
- Counseled a domestic company on matters related to license agreement
- Represented a domestic company in a lawsuit for design infringement
- Counseled a domestic camping equipment company on matters related to overseas licenses
- Represented a domestic company in a trial to confirm the scope of design rights
[Other dispute · counseling]
- Represented a domestic company in a lawsuit for damages for defects in goods
- Represented a domestic company in a lawsuit against the Public Procurement Service to cancel suspension of transactions
- Counseled a domestic gas supply company on matters related to transaction contracts
- Defensed criminal charges related to violation of FAIR TRANSACTIONS IN SUBCONTRACTING ACT for domestic ship parts company (court stage)
- Counseled a Chinese electronic device company on matters related to entry into Korea
- Counseled a foreign semiconductor company on matters related to copyright
- Counseled a Japanese company on matters related to patent right
- Counseled a major broadcasters on matters related to patent right
- Counseled a domestic company on licensing agreements
- Represented a domestic company in design infringement action