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Recently reviewed Professionals
Since joining Lee & Ko in 2010, Tong Keun Seol has focused his practice on matters concerning the environment, labor issues (occupational safety), and ESG. In particular, Mr. Seol has assisted clients in establishing a corporate compliance system that is compliant with applicable EHS (environment, health and safety) regulations, advised on issues concerning environmental regulations (including climate change matters such as emissions trading and CDM, as well as disputes arising from environmental pollution), advised new and renewable energy companies on general corporate matters such as investments, M&A, and restructuring, and advised clients on matters relating to labor law relating to occupational safety and serious accidents.
Representative Cases
[Environment, Health & Safety]
Represented client in a commercial arbitration concerning a dispute regarding CERs issued in relation to Daegu landfill
Advised Daegu City on sales of CERs in BlueNext, a French emission trading exchange
Advised Busan Metro on CDM projects
Advised Seoul Metropolitan City legislate climate change regulations
Represented Seoul Metropolitan City in litigation concerning damages due to pollution attributable to automobiles
Advised Muan Environment Treatment Center on SOC matters
Advised Daecheon Sewage Treatment Plant on SOC matters
Advised cement companies on Korean Emissions Trading Scheme (cap & trade)
Advised and represented waste company and steel company on the allocation of greenhouse gas emissions and relating disputes
Represented S company in criminal and administrative litigations disputing illegal landfill
Represented K waste incineration company in an administrative litigation
Represented clients in litigation concerning coal mine flooding and loss attributable to groundwater drying
Represented N company in criminal and administrative litigation concerning Environmental Impact Assessment
Represented S company in civil litigation and environmental adjudication before National Environmental Dispute Resolution Commission relating to noise, odor, and snow removal agent made by K company
Advised legislation of indemnification measures for the humidifier disinfectant victims
Advised R chemical company on establishing compliance system for chemical substance control
Represented S company, a foreign investment company, in criminal litigation concerning an alleged violation of the Chemical Substances Control Act
Advised various clients on the Act on Registration, Evaluation, Etc. of Chemicals (K-REACH)
Advised S company on chemical leakage accident
Advised K company in relation to an oil leakage accident
Advised L company on an alleged violation of the Clean Air Conservation Act
Advised and represented a client in relation to a dispute and litigation arising from refinery environmental pollution as well as administrative litigation
Advised clients on the conversion of CERs from foreign CDM projects into Korean Credit Units
Represented client in environmental dispute mediation and litigation concerning noise and odor nuisance of a chemical plant
Advised Seoul Metropolitan City to implement the control scheme of the total amount of greenhouse gas emitted from buildings
Represented K power company in a criminal and administrative litigation concerning violation of the Clean Air Conservation Act
[Labor& Employment]
Advised L petrochemical company on strike and represented the company on related litigation
Advised G company on strike and represented the company on related litigation
Advised H company and other clients on HR issues relating to low-performance employees
Represented K and H company in severance pay litigation and ordinary wage litigation
[Occupational Safety · Serious Accidents]
Represented public institutions, including airports and ports, in litigation alleging violation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act
Represented H and C construction companies in administrative litigation relating to a serious industrial accident that alleged criminal liabilities and respond to suspension of work
Represented clients in litigations relating to a oil storage fire accident, and hydrogen tan explosion accident
Advised subcontractor of E company on a serious industrial accident
Represented K and M power companies in litigations relating to serious industrial accidents (e.g., coal dust explosion accident and electric-shock accident)
Represented courier company, display company, and company in litigations relating to serious industrial accidents
Advised a client on the preparation of a Chemical Substances Control Guide Book and a response manual for chemical accident
Advised gas company, power company, shipping company, pharmaceuticals, health supplement food company, cosmetics company, construction company on compliance matters relating to occupational safety and serious accidents
[Energy & Natural Resources]
Advised on landfill power generation projects in the metropolitan area, Daegu, and Daejeon, as well as related CDM issues
Advised on the pilot project to transform biomethane of the Seonam Environmental Technology Water Recycling Center into vehicle fuel
Advised LFG power plants in Gumi and Masan on issues concerning CDM projects
Advised Seoul Amsa Purification Center on the solar farm
Advised and represented clients on matters concerning Environmental Impact Assessment and litigation relating to approvals for wind farms in locations such as Pyeongchang, Euiseong, etc.
Represented a client in an administrative litigation regarding approval concerning a solar farm in Namwon
Advised a fuel cell company on RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) and HPS (Hydrogen Portfolio Standard)
Advised client on Environmental Impact Assessment and obtaining relevant approvals in relation to coal power plant construction
Advised client on investing in foreign coal mines in Australia, Mongolia, etc.
[Mergers & Acquisitions]
Advised T company, a new and renewable energy company, on back-door listing and financing through foreign convertible bonds
Advised K company, an investment company focusing on reinvestment, acquire and resell Eco Energy, a land fill power plant in the metropolitan area
Advised selling of H company subject to corporate workout by K bank, etc.
Advised C company, a company specializing in corporate restructuring, on the acquisition and reselling of an unlisted bakery material company
Advised A company, a listed company, on a hostile M&A
Advised a Dutch company on establishing a JV in Korea
Advised client invest in a cable car company and represented client in subsequent disputes regarding control of the company
Advised client incorporate and finance a company transporting coal to coal power plants
Advised selling of H company subject to corporate workout by K bank, etc.
Advised client on indemnification and recovery of environmental damage near refinery
Advised Yeosu Industrial Complex on environmental issues
Advised clients on ESG issues pertaining to procuring parts for electronics
Advised clients on voluntary participation of RE100
Advised power plants on reduction of operations to reduce emission of particulate matters and compensation
Advised Korea Mine Reclamation Corp (MIRECO) as an advisor
Advised management of Social Contribution Fund of Korea City Gas Association
Advised setting up and operation of D Scholarship Foundation
2008 Keimyung University, Graduate School of Climate Change and Research (designated by the Ministry of Environment)
2001 Judicial Research & Training Institute, Supreme Court of Korea
1999 Korea University, Graduate School of Law
1993 Korea University, College of Law – LL.B.
Work Experience
2010-Present Lee & Ko
2016-Present Member, Ministry of Environment Disciplinary Committee
2015-Present Inspector, National Center for Agro Meteorology
2012-Present Member, Seoul Commission on Sustainable Development
2012-Present Director, Seoul Green Trust
2012-2018 Mediator, Seoul Environment Dispute Resolution Commission
2012-2017 Legal Advisor, Ministry of Environment
2010-Present Director, Energy Peace Foundation
2009-Present Secretary, Special Environment Conservation Committee of Seoul Bar Association
2008-Present Legal Advisor, KNREA (Korea New & Renewable Energy Association)
2016-Present Advisor, Environment Policy Committee, Seocho-gu, Seoul Metropolitan City
2018-Present Auditor, Korea NGOs Energy Network
2020-Present Member, Green Citizen Committee, Seoul Metropolitan City
2018-Present Director, Korea Environment Law Association
2001 Admitted to bar, Korea
Korean and English
Awards and Recognitions
2022 Who's who Legal 2022 Leading Lawyer (Environment)
2020 Who's who Legal 2020 Leading Lawyer (Environment)
2019 Who's who Legal 2019 Leading Lawyer (Environment)
2018 Who's who Legal 2018 Leading Lawyer (Environment)
2017 Who's who Legal 2017 Leading Lawyer (Environment)
2017 Korean Bar Association, Attorney of Merit Award
2007 Seoul Reginal Bar Association, Best Attorney Award
Publications / Presentations / ETC
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Certification and Additionality (Korean Bar Association Environmental Energy Problem Research Series, 2014)
Related news

Press & Releases

[JoongAng Ilbo] Compliance Management and ESG Best Lawyer: Tong Keun Seol, Attorney at Lee & Ko [2024 Best Lawyer] 2024.12.18

Deals & Cases

Ruling in Favor of the Plaintiff in the Lawsuit to Revoke Excess Effluent Charges Imposed on a Food Waste Treatment Facility 2024.10.29

Deals & Cases

Ruling in Favor of the Plaintiff in the Lawsuit to Revoke the Rejection of a Medical Waste Incineration Facility Proposal 2024.10.22

Press & Releases

[Korea Economic Daily] Law Firm Lee & Ko Expands Environmental Team in Response to Rising Climate Litigation 2024.04.21

Awards Ranking

Tong Keun Seol and Jin Young Jung Awarded “ESG Lawyer of the Year” and “Transport Lawyer of the Year” at The Asia Legal Awards 2024 2024.03.18


Compliance Checklist Following SAPA’s Expansion 2024.02.05


Enactment of the Carbon Dioxide Capture, Utilization and Storage Act(CCUS Act) 2024.01.23


[Safety News] Korea Safety Technology Association and Lee & Ko Sign Serious Accidents Prevention MOU 2023.12.20


[Herald Economy] Lee & Ko holds “Forum for Response to Supply Chain Due Diligence” on the 18th 2023.09.11


Latest Update to 「Guidelines for Workplace Risk Assessment」 to Impact Businesses in Korea 2023.05.24


Seminar on 'Law Issues in Waste Battery Recycling' - The 1st Environmental Law Seminar 2023.02.17


'The government's roadmap for serious accidents reduction, how should companies prepare?' webinar held. 2023.02.02


Hosting of "The 2nd ESG Forum" 2022.10.06

Press & Releases

[Maeil Business Newspaper] Lee & Ko Signed an MOU, ‘Supporting ESG for Fintech Companies,' With Korea Fintech Industry Association 2022.07.12

Press & Releases

[Maeil Business Newspaper] Serious Accidents Punishment Act, ESG Management... Lee & Ko's attorneys equipped to handle emergency response situations 2022.04.28