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郑颀律师作为广场律师事务所的外国律师,主要业务领域是WTO/FTA诉讼及国际通商。郑律师在美国密歇根州立大学法学院获得了法学博士(J.D.),在哈佛大学法学院作为客座研究员从事过国际纠纷解决程序相关研究及演讲活动。郑律师在密歇根州立大学就读时,曾任法学院发行的学术刊物Michigan State Journal of International Law的总编辑,作为法学院代表团队的一员参加Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition,获得美国中部地区亚军(The Runner Up)及最佳书面奖(The Best Memorial)。
郑律师在外交部及产业通商资源部时,曾经在WTO韩国-印度尼西亚造纸履行纠纷、韩国-日本DRAMs纠纷、韩国-加拿大牛肉纠纷及美国-欧盟之间的波音及空客飞机补贴纠纷等各种WTO纠纷中,负责过韩国政府的诉讼工作。此外,在WTO诉讼程序法协商,即,DSU(Dispute Settlement Understanding)修订协商中,作为韩国政府的代表,提交过力求提高WTO裁决履行效率的建议书,在该等国际纠纷解决程序中致力于改进韩国政府的立场。此外,在OECD新造船协商中,为韩国政府代表团提供过法律咨询,负责过韩国-欧盟FTA、韩国-美国FTA纠纷解决程序的执行工作。
最近,郑律师代理韩国政府在WTO韩-日水产物纠纷及韩-美洗衣机纠纷中取得胜诉,并在韩国首次FTA纠纷之韩-EU FTA劳动纠纷中取得胜诉。郑律师以各种国际通商纠纷中的应对经验为基础,在WTO纠纷中代理韩国政府。
全世界最具权威性的律师事务所评价机构英国Chamber & Partners对全世界及亚太地区的国际通商专业律师进行调查的结果,郑律师均被评选为“Leading Individual”。Chambers & Partners对郑律师给予了如下评价:
“An experienced counsel on WTO matters, Kichang Chung regularly advises the South Korean government and major companies on various issues of international trade. Clients recommend him for “his experience and knowledge in WTO disputes and trade policies” as well as his “superb legal reasoning.” Sources also consider him “very good at putting together a large and complex case.”
此外,英国的世界级法律专业媒体Who’s Who Legal: Trade and Customs的2017版分析栏(Analysis)中,郑律师被评选为韩国唯一的“Thought Leader”,并受到如下评价:“Kichang Chung is “the best in Korea” and “deserves his reputation as the industry leader in the field”. According to one respondent, “He deeply understands the fundamental principles of international trade law and provides the most relevant and timely advice”。
Who’s Who Legal: Trade and Customs 2016版分析栏(Analysis)中,郑律师被评选为“The Best Known Individual”,并受到如下评价:“Korea’s Kichang Chung receives praise from a high number of international peers. One peer states, ‘Chung has a fantastic WTO practice, one of the best in the region for sure”。
WTO 韩-日水产物纠纷
WTO 韩-美洗衣机纠纷
WTO 韩国-印度尼西亚造纸履行纠纷
WTO 韩国-日本DRAMs纠纷
WTO 韩国-加拿大疯牛病牛肉纠纷
WTO 美国-EU之间波音及空客飞机补助金纠纷
WTO 诉讼程序法修改协商(Dispute Settlement Understanding)中代表韩国政府参与
TPP 等FTA协商、主要国家非关税壁垒相关咨询
韩-EU FTA、韩-美FTA纠纷解决程序
2012 美国 Harvard Law School, Visiting Researcher
2009 瑞士日内瓦WTO纠纷实务最高级别课程
2006 美国 Michigan State University, College of Law, J.D.
2000 延世大学研究生院国际地域学硕士
1994 延世大学俄语系学士
2018-至今 韩国广场律师事务所(Lee&Ko)
2020-至今 延世大学法务大学院兼职教授
2014-2018 韩国和友律师事务所
2013-2014 韩国产业通商资源部通商法务科
2007-2013 外交部通商法务科
2005-2006 Michigan State Journal of International Law 总编辑
2005 美国联邦法院(Chamber of the Honorable David M. Lawson, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan)实习
2007 外国律师(美国新泽西州律师)
2006 外国律师(美国纽约州律师)
2021 国务总理表彰
2013 外交部长官表彰
2018-2022 Chambers Global, Ranked Lawyer (International Trade)
2018-2022 Chambers Asia Pacific, Ranked Lawyer (International Trade)
2016-2022 Who’s Who Legal: Korea, Leading Professional (Trade & Customs)
2020 Legal Times ‘2019年度律师 (2020年1月刊)
世界交易秩序重组转换期,以开放造就机会(ECONOMY Chosun,2022.5)
即将到来的贸易战,政府与企业应共同应对(ECONOMY Chosun,2022.4)
成为国际通商焦点的劳动与环境,以及可持续发展(ECONOMY Chosun,2022.3)
新冷战时代,安保重要性愈演愈烈的全球商务(ECONOMY Chosun,2022.1)
“CPTPP与国营企业”(广场国际通商研究院Issue Brief,vol.3,2021)
International Trade 2020 Trends and Developments in South Korea (Chambers & Partners, December 2020)
“WTO 韩-日放射能水产物纠纷(WT/DS495)法律争议分析:以上诉审裁决为中心”(共著,通商法律 2020.2月刊)
“WTO纠纷败诉国的不履行要素和促进履行方案分析:以纠纷解决程序(DSU)运用之实务性方面为中心”(通商法律 2013.8号)“A Study on Effective Compliance in the WTO: Theoretical, Institutional, and Practical Examination on the DSU” International Trade Law, August 2013 (in Korean)
IFLR South Korea Special Focus 2018, International Trade 'Building bridges' (IFLR, Oct 2018)
“国际通商与安保:以美Section 232为中心”(广场国际通商研究院 Issue Brief,vol. 2,2018)
特朗普当选带来的韩-美FTA再协商展望(共著,2016.12,Legal Times)
Panelist, G2 Conference on WTO and Global Economic Regulation, Geneva, Switzerland (June, 2019)
Panelist, G2 Conference on Resolving Disputes in International Economic Law, Washington D.C. (July, 2018)
Speaker, WTO at 20 held at Harvard Law School (April, 2016)
Speaker, WTO at 20 held at Seoul National University College of Law (August, 2015)
Discussant, APEC Seminar on WTO Dispute Settlement (November, 2013)
Chair, Panel 2 'Multilateral Governance and the Jurisprudence of Trade,' Asia International Economic Law Network Ⅲ (July, 2013)
Speaker, East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law School (January, 2013)
Coordinated and paneled the WTO Moot Court Competition in Korea (2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015)
Evaluated and scored as a judge the Korea regional round of the Jessup moot court competition (2008)