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Sara Kim is an international trade expert at Lee & Ko Global Commerce Institute, conducting analysis and research regarding the current international trade environment. Specializing in international trade law and policy, including WTO rules and FTAs as well as trade and environmental issues, Sara has actively participated as the South Korean government delegate in various international meetings and negotiations. She has contributed as a delegate in the WTO ministerial meetings, negotiations on fisheries subsidies, South Korea-Israel FTA, South Korea-MERCOSUR TA, and RCEP rules of origin negotiations. With a wealth of experience and academic background, Sara continues to provide expert advice on numerous government research projects.
2020 Seoul National University – Ph.D. Candidate in International Studies
2020 Seoul National University – M.A. in International Commerce
2014 SOAS, University of London – B.Sc in International Management
2024-Present Lee & Ko
2019-2024 Senior Researcher, Center for International Commerce and Strategy, SNU GSIS
2016-2019 Team Leader/Policy Analyst, Korea Overseas Fisheries Cooperation Agency (Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries)
2015-2016 Assistant Researcher, Korea Maritime Institute
Korean and English
“Reviewing the Remedies Applicable to the WTO Fisheries Subsidies Disciplines”, Korean Journal of International Economic Law, (KCI), Vol.18 No.2, 2020, pp.61-90.