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As an expert in the field of energy technology including nuclear, and their engineering and safety, Dr. Park advises clients on a wide array of complex technical issues relating to nuclear power generation and nuclear power plant operations, including (among other things) safety and accident-prevention systems and future reactor development (Small Modular Reactor and Nuclear Fusion Reactor). Dr. Park has advised various state-owned or private enterprises that play leading roles in Korea’s nuclear power sector in connection with their overseas nuclear new build projects. His advice covers broad range of matters, such as nuclear facility decommissioning, industry technical standards, and the development and analysis of future business plans.

Dr. Park’s academic background includes a BSc degree in nuclear engineering from Seoul National University and a joint MSc degree in nuclear engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPF Lausanne), as well as near completion of a PhD program at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, in conjunction with his completion of a work/practicum program with the advanced materials group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. As part of his PhD studies, Dr. Park developed a safety system control code modeling module for use in the safety-related analytical code (MELCOR code) used by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, as well as by most nuclear regulatory agencies around the world. Dr. Park also has extensive practical experience based on his work at a number of leading institutions in the nuclear technology field, including the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS), where he worked on APR 1400 related severe accident modeling, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), where he handled spent fuel pool related modeling and safety analysis, and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), where he worked in the nuclear severe accident research group.

Dr. Park’s expertise in the nuclear field has been recognized by his inclusion in the prestigious Marquis Who’s Who publication, as well as by several awards, including the “Top Excellence Award” bestowed by the Korean Nuclear Society (KNS) in 2016 (in recognition of his work in severe nuclear accident analysis) and in 2017 (in recognition of his work on nuclear materials examination). Dr. Park is the only person to date to receive the KNS Top Excellence Award in two consecutive years. Dr. Park is also the recipient of an “Excellence” award bestowed by the Korean Mathematical Society (KMS) in 2007.

Dr. Park is the lead author of numerous highly regarded journal papers and national reports in Korea and Switzerland. In addition to participating in authoring more than 40 scientific papers and presentations, Dr. Park has also been featured as the main speaker for several international nuclear technology symposiums and meetings.

Dr. Park works closely with Lee & Ko attorneys in various practices areas as and when expert advice on energy technology, engineering and safety matters is required.
2021 Korea University Law School – SJD (study completed)
2020-Present Yonsei University – MS in Economics
2020 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich – Ph.D.
2013 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich/Lausanne – Joint MSc in Nuclear Engineering
2011 Seoul National University – BSc in Nuclear Engineering
2010 Kyungpook National University – BSc in Electrical Engineering
2022-Present Lee & Ko
2021-Present Korea Representative, Global America Business Institute
2021-Present Strategic Partnership Advisor, Apllo Plus
2021-Present Principal Researcher – International Energy Law, Korea University International Law Center
2021-2022 Research Fellow, Samsung Economic Research Institute
2021 Special Affairs Secretary, Korean Nuclear Society
2020-2021 General Secretary, Korean Nuclear Society
2021 Member of the Small Modular Reactor Business Task Force, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
2020-Present Member of the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Export, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
2016-2019 Alternative Military Service
2013-2016 Researcher, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
2013-2016 Partner Researcher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
2013 Researcher, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
2012 Researcher, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety
Korean and English
2018, 2019 Marquis Who’s Who
2016, 2017 Top Excellence Award, Korean Nuclear Society